
Welcome to Network of Care™ eLearning. To provide a wide range of continuing education opportunities, we offer our own continuing education (CE) content, as well as content developed by established providers of home-study CE programs.

Network of Care eLearning is designed to serve a wide range of users, including: psychologists; social workers; mental health counselors; marriage and family therapists; nurses; addiction professionals; mental health administrators, and quality improvement specialists. The site also aids other individuals working in the behavioral health field, such as clinicians, administrators and leaders in or out of managed-care environments who must integrate technology into their work.

Overall Program Learning Objectives

After completing Network of Care continuing education courses, participants should be able to:

  • Describe the results of a variety of published outcome studies in the behavioral healthcare literature, including both mental health and substance abuse literature.
  • Assess current issues in managed care as they relate to clinical practice as well as behavioral healthcare organizations and management.
  • Discuss new clinical developments in behavioral healthcare, both mental health and substance abuse, and their best use for increased efficiency as well as effectiveness.
  • Describe a broader perspective from which to interpret and design processes for complying with accreditation standards, so that actual performance is enhanced as a result of preparing for accreditation.
  • Discuss issues and strategies for the integration of technology and practice so that practice is improved through technology.

More specific educational objectives are linked to our various continuing education materials. Please refer to those directly from the various home study materials.

Refund Policy

Fees will be fully refunded, except for a $10 processing fee, to any participant who requests a refund before beginning any of the purchased courses. Trilogy is not responsible for any refund or credit once a user begins any of the purchased courses.

Complaint/Grievance Procedure

Initially, the Director of Continuing Education will handle any complaints. If the director cannot resolve them, then the complaint matter may be taken to our Grievance Review Board. The complainant will be asked to put his/her complaint in writing, along with any requested resolution, and submit it to the Grievance Review Board. Upon receipt of the written complaint, we will call the Grievance Review Board together to review the matter and reach a determination within three months of the filing.

Security and Privacy


Network of Care eLearning uses SSL on our commerce Web server, giving us the ability to communicate securely with our online customers. SSL protects all communications with our clients, so we can process credit-card orders and protect sensitive personal information. The Thawte SSL certificate is compatible with all major browsers, including Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.x and Netscape Communicator 4.x.


Member privacy is an important concern to the Network of Care as well as to the Internet at large.

The Network of Care does not provide or release names or email addresses of members to any third party without the members' explicit permission.

The Network of Care does not use cookies or any other technology to track or report on member activity when they are not visiting the Network of Care.

The opinions and recommendations presented herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Network of Care.

If you have any questions or comments about this educational program, please contact Network of Care eLearning at

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